Prison Island (Changuu)


The island of Zanzibar is surrounded by plenty of small and large isles.
The former Prison Island (Changuu Island) is one them that is a must for tourists and that has never been used for imprisonment of people.

Changuu island 

The Aldabra giant tortoises (originating from On Aldabra Island) are kept in cages as a tourist sight.
This species can be found even on the Seychelles Islands at 1800 km. The small island can be approached by boats from Zanzibar city.

zanzibar boat

 boat changuu

The isle can be approached by boats anchored on the shore segment between the Palace of Wonders and the harbour.
Anyone wishing to have an individual trip should ask the boat owners enjoying the cool air under the giant tree on the opposite side of the road.


After some bargaining you are taken to the Prison Island at ca. 5 km away.  The trip is ca. 20 to 30 minutes.
You can admire the giant tortoises,




and also have a sunbath or swim in the qualm and perfect water of the small island.
Pizza and cold drinks are also offered on the island.


prison island

The locals patiently wait until you walk around the island, and take you back to Zanzibar.

prison island zanzibar



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