If you travel around the world, you meet always different tastes.
Different raw materials are used, different preparations are made everywhere,
and the cooking techniques offer us different tastes.
Zanzibar offers a particularly diverse gastronomic menu to the visitors.
The island was the biggest spice island of the world for a long time, but plenty of spices are still produced on the island.
The tastes of Zanzibar dominate in the offering of the restaurants.
Just an example: curry is an Indian spice - now a mixture of spices - that was named by the English to use it in England when they want to feel the Indian tastes.
The curry of Zanzibar is different from the “everyday” curry. This mixture contains even mango powder.
Most restaurants offer the Zanzibar curry sauce served with meats and cooked rice. You cannot find this taste anywhere else in the world.
It is very delicious. You can buy it on the market, the way of preparation is indicated on its bag.
There are many smaller and larger hotels in Zanzibar. These small hotels have their own kitchens, and are glad to see the tourists for lunch.
The prices are very different, and therefore it is worth obtaining information before placing an order.
But to compare the prices to the European ones, we have to state that they are cheaper or sometimes much cheaper.
You can enjoy the offering of several national kitchens in Stone Town.
You can find Indian, Italian, Chinese and even Ethiopian restaurants.
If you wish to try local tastes, then you should not omit the evening offering of the Forodani Gardens situated in front of the Old Fort.
It is an evening offering because when the sun sets, the locals grill their foods on charcoal, but you can eat also fruits, Zanzibar Pizza, or drink lemonade.
If you want to taste real lemonade, you can try the cool drink made from the sweet liquid directly pressed from cane and flavoured with lime and spices. Perhaps the hygienic circumstances are not the best, but we have eaten, drunk many foods and drinks, and have never any problem, though we have made sure to eat only fresh meats fried in front of us.
The unique Zanzibar Pizza is baked here. You have to try it!